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About Us

Who we are

Our Church

Church frontage with cross

We are a warm and vibrant church where everyone is welcome!

We want people to feel at home and part of the family.

We endeavour to express God’s love to all who come through our doors, and make known God’s invitation to relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus!

We are part of Churches of Christ in Western Australia Inc.

For more information about Churches of Christ follow the link

What we are about

Vision & Mission

Our Vision

To see Jesus transform lives

Our Mission

Growing in our relationship with God

Caring for one another

Reaching others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Luke Baker giving sermon with Cross
What we believe

Statement of Beliefs


We believe that the Bible, composed of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament, is God's unique revelation to human beings. We believe that these Scriptures all originated with God, who chose to speak to us through a variety of people over thousands of years. So the Bible at one and the same time speaks with the authority of God and reflects the backgrounds, styles and vocabularies of the human authors. We hold that these Scriptures are infallible and inerrant in the original manuscripts. They are the unique, full and final authority on all matters of belief and behaviour and there are no other writings similarly inspired by God.


We believe that there is only one true God who exists eternally as three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – each of Whom possesses equally all the attributes of deity and the characteristics of personality. God is the creator of all things and by His sovereign power He continues to sustain His creation. God is all-knowing, all powerful and present everywhere. God is the sovereign Ruler of everything and everyone. God is the only being worthy of worship.


We believe that all people are created in God's image and are deeply loved and supremely valued by Him. We believe that humans were originally created to have fellowship with God but that this relationship is broken by humanity’s choice to rebel against God by living life apart from Him. As a result, every human is alienated from God and in desperate need of divine intervention to save them from eternal separation from God. This intervention came in the person of Jesus Christ who made it possible for every person to be restored to a right relationship with God through His death and resurrection. Anyone and everyone can enter a new relationship with God by accepting by faith that Jesus died and rose again for them. Each person who does this is rescued from eternal separation from God and given the gift of eternal life with God, which begins from the moment of decision. This new life cannot be earned through personal goodness or human effort. It is a gift of God’s grace that can only be received by faith in Christ and His work on the cross.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the second Person of the Trinity, fully God and fully human, the unique and only Son of God. Jesus existed eternally before time but entered history in human form by being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus lived a perfect life in full obedience to God the Father and voluntarily gave his life as the sacrifice for our sins, dying on the cross as our substitute, thus satisfying divine justice and accomplishing salvation for all who trust in Him alone. Jesus was physically raised from the dead proving that he had defeated the power of death. He ascended into heaven and is now exalted, sitting at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus will one day return to earth, personally and visibly, to bring history to a close and complete the eternal plan of God.

Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity who was sent into the world by the Father and the Son to apply the saving work of Christ to humans. The Holy Spirit possesses the characteristics of personality and is not a ‘force’ or a ‘ghost’. He enlightens the minds of rebellious humans, awakens in them a recognition of their need of a Saviour and, when they respond to his work, He gives them new life. At the moment of decision the Holy Spirit permanently indwells every believer as a guarantee of their salvation. He is the source of assurance, strength and wisdom for all believers. The Holy Spirit uniquely endows each believer with gifts for serving others and reaching out to a lost and needy world. The Holy Spirit guides believers in understanding and applying the Bible to their life. He makes it possible for believers to lead a life of Christ-like character and to produce spiritual fruit to the glory of God.


We believe that death seals the eternal destiny of each person. For all humans, there will be a resurrection of the body into the spiritual world and a judgment that will determine the fate of each individual. Those who have rejected God’s free gift of salvation through Christ will be separated from God for eternity. Those who have accepted God’s free gift of salvation through Christ will be received into eternal communion with God and will be rewarded for good works done in this life.


We believe that, in the Bible, the Church never refers to a building but only refers to people. We believe that there is one true universal Church comprised of all those who acknowledge, accept and follow Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. The Church throughout the world, regardless of denominational names or theological differences, has one supreme leader – Jesus Christ. The Bible calls disciples to gather together regularly to devote themselves to worship, prayer, teaching, serving, fellowship and outreach to the world. These gatherings are local expressions of the universal Church and are comprised of disciples who are united by the Holy Spirit, sharing in a bond of love which transcends race, culture, nationality, gender and age. While different local expressions may have different emphases, all are commanded to make disciples, which includes both evangelism and teaching obedience to all that Jesus taught. Jesus commanded his followers to observe two sacraments - baptism and communion. They are visible signs representing spiritual truths; they do not accomplish salvation. Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water, symbolising both the saving work of Jesus through his death, burial and resurrection and the result of that work in the believer, who has died to their old life and been raised with Christ into a new life in which the power of sin is broken. Communion (or the Lord’s Supper) is the regular remembrance of Christ’s atoning death by partaking in simple, symbolic elements (e.g. bread and juice) that represent the body and blood of Jesus.

Church Cross
Where we come from

Our Church History

In 1956, 15 members of various Churches of Christ decided to establish a church on land bought by The Home Mission Committee in 1954 on the corner of Sackville Terrace and Flamborough Street, Doubleview. Scarborough Church of Christ (now Lake Gwelup Christian Church) started in homes, followed by North Scarborough Primary School. The first official building was commissioned on April 1st, 1958.

Relying on lay preachers in the early years, the church grew in numbers. In 1961, J.K Bond was employed as a part-time Minister followed by the first full-time Minister, L. Donaldson serving 1964-1966.

Nine Senior Pastors have served since, including Luke Baker who commenced in 2020.

We are grateful to all the serving Ministers who have contributed to the shaping of our church today.

The building in which Scarborough Church of Christ has gathered over the years, has taken many forms, including relocations of the church family during rebuilding.

Gathering in homes (1956-1958)

Commissioning of Building on Doubleview Site (1958)

Commissioning of Hall adjoining original building (1962)

Gathered at Scarborough SHS during Gwelup site construction (1986-1989)

Gathered at Duncraig Christian Fellowship for an afternoon service during Gwelup site rebuild (2015-2016)

The first service held in the current building took place on the 16th of October 2016, coinciding with the renaming of our church to Lake Gwelup Christian Church.

The official Dedication occurred Sunday the 12th of March 2017.

Our team members

Here to serve

Luke Baker
Luke Baker
Senior Pastor

Luke loves God and His people. He passionately shares about God’s love for, and the invitation to, everyone to have a personal, transformative relationship with Jesus. Luke’s time is spent overseeing all aspects of Lake Gwelup, equipping and encouraging staff and ministry leaders in their service, and preparing a God-inspired message for Sunday morning. He loves playing guitar for worship and encouraging others to worship. Luke is married to Sarah and they have three children. He enjoys everything cricket, footy, good podcasts, a cold glass of coke, and rewatching The West Wing. His heart for the underdog is most evident in his unwavering support of the Fremantle Dockers.

Meg Pirie
Meg Pirie
Children and Young Families Pastor

Meg has a heart for children and teens knowing the good news of Jesus and supporting and encouraging families. She oversees Kids Ministry on a Sunday, mainly music and the pastoral care of our children and young families. Meg is married to Brendon and they have four children. She enjoys beach sunsets, retreating to nature, a quality coffee, loves getting to know people and having good chats, reflection time, music, worship and a good book..

Sam Auert
Sam Auert

Sam injects warmth, thought and a creative flair into her role as Administrator. Sam is married to Klaus and they have three adult children. Sam appreciates nature, architecture, clean cuisine and gentle exercise. She enjoys singing in her choir and our church worship team, visiting family in Germany and chats over a nice cup of tea.

Sharon Bradley
Sharon Bradley
Facilities Coordinator

To say Sharon is organised is an understatement. She is largely responsible for the maintenance and booking of our venue. Sharon is married to Jarran (yes, they rhyme), and they have three teenagers. Sharon enjoys the simple things in life such as strong cups of tea, good food, sunshine, walks, spectating all sports, hospitality and spending time with her family and friends.

John Kirby
John Kirby
Administrative Assistant

John trusts in God’s faithful provision and cares about being transparent, accountable, wise, and generous with what God gives our church. John is married to Christine, and they have two adult children and four grandies. John enjoys the Bibbulmun Track, the garden, good coffee, handyman jobs and time with his family.

Board of Elders

Helen Adams
Helen Adams (Chair)
Nick Wood
Nick Wood
Luke Baker
Luke Baker
Chip Dallin
Chip Dallin
Pat Seymour
Pat Seymour
Raymond Marks
Raymond Marks


Chip Dallin
Chip Dallin
John Kirby
John Kirby
Kat Miller
Katarina Miller
Luke Baker
Luke Baker
Matt Bailey
Matt Bailey
Meg Pirie
Meg Pirie
Sam Auert
Sam Auert
Sharon Bradley
Sharon Bradley
Taki Xaftellis
Taki Xaftellis
Where to find us


Lake Gwelup Christian Church is conveniently located on the corner of Karrinyup and Huntriss Road; near Lake Gwelup and Karrinyup Shopping Centre. Our premises include an open grassed area, enclosed playground, basketball court, outdoor tables and seating and sensory garden to be enjoyed by all.

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